Eight gift ideas for progressive people on your list
November 17, 2016 | By Trish Tobin
We’re doing our best to foster a holiday season defined by progressive values. One way I’m doing that is by giving gifts that show we care — not only for the people we’re giving to, but for all people and for the planet that sustains us. Looking for ideas, I took a walk around our office and asked CREDO team members what they’re giving this year. They had a lot of great suggestions:
Mother Jones subscription
Suggested by Kat, Digital Affiliates Manager
Nonprofit and reader-supported, Mother Jones is the voice of independent journalism. It provides insightful investigative reporting, unbiased by a corporate agenda, which makes it a great gift for anyone who wants the straight scoop on the vital issues of our day. Plus, now is a good time to give Mother Jones. Just recently, a major conservative donor, angry at the coverage he received in the magazine, sued for libel. And while he lost, defending the case cost Mother Jones hundreds of thousands of dollars. So, giving a subscription this holiday season also gives the magazine much-needed support.
Suggested by Claire, Loyalty Marketing Manager
BeadforLife jewelry is not only a cool and colorful gift, but it’s also a great way to lift up women in Africa through entrepreneurship and education. The BeadforLife collection includes necklaces, bracelets and earrings, all handcrafted from recycled paper by Ugandan women working to move their families out of poverty. BeadforLife also operates a six-month training program that gives women the skills and confidence they need to create their own local businesses and achieve long-term success. Fair trade BeadforLife pieces are durable and affordable, a perfect gift for family, friends — and yourself as well.
Bee’s Wrap
Suggested by Rose, Marketing Operations Analyst
As you may know, plastic is not fantastic for keeping leftovers in the fridge. Plastic containers leech dangerous chemicals into your food, especially when you put them in the microwave. Instead, try Bee’s Wrap, the natural alternative for food storage. Bee’s Wrap is made from certified organic cotton, sustainably sourced beeswax from the United States, organic jojoba oil and tree resin. It’s a malleable food wrap that can be used again and again. Buy one three-pack for yourself and another for your friends. It’s the perfect way to store all those holiday goodies without using plastic products.
Support #NoDAPL activists
Suggested by Sam, Retention Specialist
Indigenous people and their allies fighting to stop the Dakota Access pipeline are gearing up for a cold winter. That means they have a long list of supplies they need to survive. These heroic water protectors are requesting a variety of necessities, including firewood, snow tires, trucks, tents and gift certificates from hardware stores. While shopping for the holidays, help those who are putting their bodies on the line to stop the Dakota Access pipeline. You can also donate directly to the Standing Rock Sioux tribe.
Local crafts
Suggested by Tessa, CREDO Action Campaign Manager
Think globally, shop locally. Give a gift from an artist in your neighborhood. You can find amazing one-of-a-kind pieces at any of the holiday craft shows that take place around the country. See the shows in your area at CraftLister.com.
Bothered by My Green Conscience: How an SUV-driving, imported-strawberry-eating urban dweller can go green
Suggested by Vinnie, Digital Marketing Analyst
Looking for a good book to give this holiday season? Here’s a great choice for your environmentally minded friends and family members. Written by Canadian artist, author and activist Franke James, this quick and fun read is an excellent stocking stuffer for any progressive household. It’s chock-full of beautiful illustrations and funny, informative insights for living an eco-friendly life.
Home Boy Foods
Suggested by Nicole, CREDO Action Campaign Manager
Shipping nationwide from its headquarters in L.A., Homeboy Foods is a 100% from-scratch bakery that for 25 years has provided hope, training and support for formerly gang-involved and recently incarcerated men and women. It’s now the largest, most comprehensive and most successful gang rehabilitation and social enterprise organization in the world. Homeboy’s cakes, cookies, breads and other offerings are a delicious way to show some love this holiday season.
Lucky Iron Fish
Suggested by Jeremy, Mobile Support Manager
Your body needs iron and a single Lucky Iron Fish can provide you and your family with 90% of your recommended daily allowance of it. Just boil the fish in water and use the fish for broth-based meals. The Lucky Iron Fish is reusable for up to five years. And when you buy one, you support the company’s work distributing this incredible product among people in developing countries who are at high risk of anemia and other maladies caused by iron deficiency.
Here’s one last gift idea. Give a donation in the name of someone you love to one of the amazing progressive nonprofits that CREDO funds. All the groups we support are carefully chosen by a committee of CREDO staff, so you know your donation will be put to effective use for a progressive cause. This year I plan on donating to Women for Women International, because women’s empowerment is an issue I care deeply about.
And don’t forget to give yourself a gift! Be an agent of change when you switch to CREDO Mobile, the carrier with a conscience.
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I’ll wrap up with one of my favorite Martin Luther King Jr. quotes, “Only in the darkness can you see the stars.” Let’s remember his words this holiday season, as we gather with the stars in our own lives and give gifts that bring light to theirs.