How to help local businesses and nonprofits during the coronavirus pandemic

Here in California, where CREDO is headquartered, many of our amazing local businesses — which employ thousands of workers and provide the character that makes our communities so vibrant and special — have been closed for weeks. Other …

How to Request an Absentee Ballot During the Coronavirus Pandemic

The 2020 elections are the most consequential in generations. But with a global pandemic not only straining our healthcare system, paralyzing our economy and upending our daily lives, our fundamental right to vote is equally under threat. No …

4 Free Video Apps to Stay Connected

For those of us who are fortunate to be healthy and home during this pandemic, it can be difficult when we’re away from our loved ones. Especially in this age of social distancing, it’s important now more than …

CREDO Tip: 5 Tips for Coping with Social Distancing, Loneliness and Isolation during the Coronavirus Pandemic

Even if you haven’t heard it enough, we’re going to repeat it again: Stay at home. Practice social distancing. Flatten the curve. But an unintended consequence of our efforts to slow a pandemic and keep our communities healthy …

6 Tips for Working From Home During the Coronavirus Pandemic

These days, we’re dealing with new challenges every day. A new one for many: working from home. If you’re like many people during this time of social distancing and stay-at-home orders, you may have the option to telework. …

5 great apps to help you manage stress and anxiety

Right now, many of us are feeling pretty uneasy and anxious. A spreading pandemic, an uncertain economy, a heightened political climate — and we’re all concerned about the health and well being of our family and friends. During …

CREDO Tip: Easy ways to clean, organize and update your technology this Spring

Spring is almost upon us and that means it’s time for spring cleaning! You might have plans to store your winter clothes, deep clean your appliances and organize your closets. But now is also a great time to …

CREDO Tip: How workers can celebrate Employee Appreciation Day

Today marks Employee Appreciation Day, an unofficial holiday for companies and workplaces to recognize the hard work and dedication of their employees. Here at CREDO, we’re fortunate to have a team who lives our values everyday and appreciates …

CREDO Tip: What is dark mode — and should you use it?

If you’re like most of us here at CREDO, you probably use your phone or tablet a lot. In fact, the average American uses their mobile devices almost 4 hours a day! With all that use, we can …

CREDO Tip: How to be a better LGBTQ ally

For many of us, we consider ourselves allies (or members! or both!) of the LGBTQ community. We love and support our friends and family who do — or do not — identify in the community. We support inclusive …