Teachers build a better future for everyone: But they need our help

It’s arguably the most important job in the world: being a teacher.

Teachers enlighten and inspire young people. They give them purpose, prepare them to succeed in life and encourage them to contribute to society. No job has a greater impact on our future. And the better teachers can do their job, the better our future will be.

That’s why we do whatever we can, whenever we can, to support teachers—because we’re also working for a better future. Since we started, in 1985, we’ve donated over $95 million to groups fighting for causes like climate action, equal rights and reproductive freedom.

A lot of this money has gone to education advocates like Facing History & Ourselves and the Zinn Education Project. And now, as kids go back to school, we’re working with DonorsChoose to help fund projects in schools.


DonorsChoose: helping teachers help their students

Did you know public school teachers spend a lot of their own money—an average of almost $700 a year—to buy supplies their students need? From Crayons to cleaning products, from LEGO bricks to laptops.

It shouldn’t be this way. And, for many teachers, it isn’t, thanks to DonorsChoose, a unique nonprofit that’s raised over $1.65 billion for teachers to buy school supplies. Nationwide, DonorsChoose has delivered over 11 million books, 3.6 million art materials, 30,000 fieldtrips—and much more.

It’s a heroic effort—but it’s a simple process, because DonorsChoose makes it easy for anyone to help a teacher in need. Just go to DonorsChoose.org, a user-friendly site where teachers post projects that are short of funding. If you want to contribute, just click and give.

To help these teachers and the many others who post projects for their students, we’re raising funds for DonorsChoose through September 19th.  Customers who use code SCHOOLPG50 can get $250 off a new phone or if you bring your current phone, you can get a $250 gift card with code SCHOOLBG50.  In both cases, we’ll send a $50 donation to DonorsChoose.

We ran a similar promotion last year and you can read about the projects funded on our blog. The thank you notes from the teachers are heartwarming.  https://blog.credo.com/2024/03/12/credo-customers-helped-support-9-projects-with-donorschoose/


EveryLibrary: sustaining public libraries

This month, CREDO Mobile is supporting EveryLibrary for the first time.  Libraries are at the heart of our communities. Yet, across the nation, public and school libraries are under attack. Politicians and extremist groups threaten their funding, ban books from their shelves and assail the principles of intellectual freedom they uphold.

You can vote for donations to go to EveryLibrary or the Women’s March Network or Social Security Works – or any combination of the three at www.credodonations.com.

CREDO Mobile: standing for teachers

Teachers get called a lot of things. We call them heroes.

They’re woefully underpaid, regularly under-resourced and often overlooked. Yet, day in and day out, they do the most important job in the world: they build our future.

We feel a special connection to educators because we have the same mission: to make our world a better place. If you share this commitment, join us.

You’ll get all you want from your phone company: the nation’s largest, most reliable network, competitive plans, great deals on new phones and friendly customer service.

And you’ll get much more. You’ll get an easy, effective way to support teachers and students, just by using your phone. Join now and we’ll send a $50 donation to DonorsChoose, when you use promo codes: SCHOOLPG50 (get a new phone) or SCHOOLBG50  (bring your own phone)

Switching is easy. You can bring your current phone and your current number. To learn more, go to CREDOMobile.com.

Public Counsel relies on funding from CREDO Mobile to deliver justice for all

Everyone deserves equal access to justice. Public Counsel is a nonprofit public-interest law firm that provides it. That’s why we support Public Counsel and recently sent a significant grant to the group.

Public Counsel engages with communities and clients to create a more just society through legal services, advocacy and civil rights litigation. Working on a pro bono basis, primarily in the Los Angeles area, Public Counsel staff and volunteers seek justice through direct legal services. They promote healthy and resilient communities through education and outreach, and they support community-led efforts to transform unjust systems through litigation and policy advocacy.

Public Counsel envisions an equitable society in which people thrive, with systems and laws that bring justice to all. It operates a number of separate projects to achieve that goal. These include its Gender Justice Project, Center for Veterans’ Advancement, Children’s Rights Project, Consumer Rights and Economic Justice, and the Immigrants’ Rights Project.

Public Counsel’s core beliefs advance the cause of a more just society

Every day, Public Counsel delivers justice to those who need it most, guided by the following strategies and values.

  • Coordinated advocacy: Public Counsel’s direct legal work informs, complements and is amplified by its impact litigation, policy advocacy, and community education and outreach efforts.
  • Mobilization: It proactively recruits and mobilizes volunteers from a wide array of professions, organizations, sectors and communities to join in the fight for equal justice.
  • Accountability: It is accountable to its clients, focusing on their needs and goals when providing legal representation and services.
  • Power building: It aims to align its legal advocacy with durable grassroots movements to build power, change unjust laws and achieve lasting results.
  • Results: Public Counsel gets results through relentless, bold and creative advocacy and leadership that place its legal services within a broader set of strategies and tactics.
  • Equity: It advances racial and economic justice by advocating for legal and policy reforms, and by providing lower-income clients and clients in communities of color with access to quality legal representation.
  • Respect: Public Counsel respects the unique experiences of everyone with whom it engages. Its work is empathetic, trauma-informed and strengths-based.

CREDO Mobile funding supports expanded Public Counsel efforts

Public Counsel is using our grant to strengthen and expand its programs on a number of fronts. It recently participated in a community teach-in about commercial tenant protections. It took in a new cohort of social-work interns. It partnered with the Los Angeles County Office for the Advancement of Early Care and Education to launch an important new resource called Child Care for All: Information for Child Care Providers on Expanding Infant and Toddler Care in Los Angeles County. It joined partner organizations to submit 400,000 signatures to place the Affordable Housing, Homelessness Solutions and Prevention Now Measure on L.A. County’s November ballot. And it released a new manual designed to help parents, caregivers and community members advocate for students with disabilities.

Together, CREDO Mobile and Public Counsel are making a difference

In recent months, Public Counsel joined with unhoused veterans with disabilities to sue the Department of Housing and Urban Development and force a major policy change by HUD that will allow the most disabled veterans with the greatest need to qualify for affordable housing.

It worked with local street vendors to reach a groundbreaking settlement with Los Angeles to repeal the city’s exclusionary vending bans near swap meets, farmers’ markets, schools and temporary events, and bring an end to the city’s policy of banning, ticketing and harassing street vendors. Street vending is a vibrant part of California culture and is protected by state law. It provides flexible jobs that enliven streets, encourage walkability and social activity, and bolster neighborhood safety by adding eyes and ears to the streets and strengthening community connections.

Public Counsel partnered with thousands of homeowners to obtain a $12 million settlement for the homeowners, who were victimized by predatory loans from clean energy vendors. The loans were meant to help homeowners finance installation of renewable energy systems like solar panels but left hundreds of homeowners facing unaffordable payments and property liens. The settlement enables homeowners, many of them low-income and elderly, to get relief from those payments and liens.

If you’re a CREDO Mobile customer, thank you for helping Public Counsel win these victories and many more. If you’re not a customer, please consider joining now. You’ll get all you want from a phone company: the nation’s top-rated network, competitive plans and great deals on new devices.

And you’ll get much more. You’ll get an easy, effective way to make a difference in the world by generating much-needed donations for progressive nonprofits dedicated to the causes you care about, like justice, human rights, economic equality and climate action.

To learn more about the critical work Public Counsel does, go to PublicCounsel.org.

Donations spotlight: Social Security Works is Fighting to Protect and Expand Our Social Security Earned Benefits

Note from the CREDO Mobile team: This September, Social Security Works is among three amazing groups that will receive a share of our monthly grant. Funding from the CREDO community will help Social Security Works in its campaign to fight every day to expand our Social Security system.

 Read this important blog post about Social Security Works, then visit CREDODonations.com and cast your vote to help send funding to the group to assist its effort—and the efforts of our other outstanding September grantees.

Social Security Works advocates on behalf of the 67 million Americans who rely on their earned Social Security benefits, and the millions more Americans who will rely on these earned benefits in the future. While some politicians including the Republican Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson (R-LA), and the eighty percent of House Republicans who are members of the Republican Study Committee, have released plans to cut, privatize, and destroy Social Security, Social Security Works is fighting back.

Social Security is a promise between generations that brings people of all backgrounds together. Not surprisingly, Social Security is wildly popular among Americans of all political persuasions.

Politicians who want to cut Social Security realize that their quest to defund and dismantle Social Security will never win the support of the American people. This is why Republicans want to force Democrats to go behind closed doors and cut benefits together, so that voters won’t know which party to blame.

The Biden-Harris administration has accurately called these commissions “death panels” for Social Security and Medicare. This is a huge change from a decade ago, when far more Democrats were open to such a commission.

When Social Security Works was founded, the elite conventional wisdom was dominated by talk of cutting Social Security, with absolutely no room for imagining benefits could be expanded. Now, nearly all Democrats are united in support of expanding benefits and even many Republicans are running away (at least rhetorically) from their support for cuts.

That’s how much Social Security Works has changed the conversation over the past decade, and we are not going back.

There are two paths forward when it comes to Social Security.

One is to expand and strengthen Social Security and require that multimillionaires and billionaires finally pay their fair share.

The other path for the future of Social Security, in stark contrast, is the vision of Donald Trump and his Republican allies in Congress. Trump and his allies support cutting Social Security and ultimately ending the program as we know it.

These plans to cut Social Security by $1.5 trillion over just the next decade and trillions more after that (including raising the retirement age), would be a nightmare scenario for Social Security and the millions of Americans and their families – indeed, virtually all Americans – who rely or someday will rely on their earned Social Security benefits.

Social Security Works will continue highlighting the monumental stakes of this election for Social Security, and the millions of Americans and their families who rely on their earned benefits, and we will continue making sure that these dual visions for the future of Social Security are crystal clear to every single voter.

With the disappearance of traditional private-sector retirement plans, our nation is facing a retirement income crisis. Too many Americans fear that they must work until they die because they will not be able to retire without a drastic decline in their standard of living. The solution is to expand Social Security.

We will fight to make sure that Social Security and Medicare are expanded, and we won’t let the people trying to cut the earned benefits of the American people hide behind mealy-mouthed weasel words. Social Security Works will continue to make sure the American people are fully informed about all of the proposals for Social Security’s future, and who is fighting to protect and expand the program.

Donations spotlight: Support the Women’s March Network in its drive to end sexism, sexist exploitation and oppression

Note from the CREDO Mobile team: This September, the Women’s March Network is among three amazing groups that will receive a share of our monthly grant. Funding from the CREDO community will help the Women’s March Network in its campaign to ensure that all of us are free to lead empowered lives in safety and security in our bodies, in our communities and throughout the country.

 Read this important blog post about the Women’s March Network, then visit CREDODonations.com and cast your vote to help send funding to the group to assist its effort—and the efforts of our other outstanding September grantees.

As we stand on the brink of another pivotal election, it’s crucial that we remember the lessons of the past. Because when we remember that past, it strengthens our resolve never to go back to it. The We Won’t Go Back National March and Weekend of Action, on November 2, is our chance to demonstrate our collective force and demand change for our families, our freedoms and our futures.

On November 2, thousands of feminists will gather in Washington, D.C., and across the nation to show the strength of our feminist movement. The day will culminate in a vibrant rally and community festival, where activists can listen to inspiring speakers, enjoy live music and connect with partner organizations committed to our fight.

But what we’re about is far more than one day. We have a range of programs working year-round to build a feminist, multiracial democracy that serves us all, both on the ground and online.

Digital Defenders

One of our most important projects is the Digital Defenders program, a rapidly growing, increasingly effective group of trained activists who fight disinformation spread on the internet—because it’s now critical to safeguard our democracy and feminist values amid the digital landscape, as alt-right trolls seek to radicalize America’s youth and spread hate and ignorance on social media.

The Digital Defenders program is a decentralized and scaled online intervention designed to combat the misinformation and disinformation that threaten our freedoms and democracy.

Why now

At this pivotal moment in our nation’s history, what we do in the next few years will set the foundation for the coming decades. The rise of deepfakes, misinformation and targeted online propaganda poses a significant threat to our democracy and the rights of women and our communities. Our Digital Defenders program is a proactive feminist cyber-force built to protect and uphold our values in the digital age.

What we do

The Digital Defenders program trains women and allies to engage effectively in online spaces. From creating original, values-aligned content to monitoring and countering harmful narratives, our Digital Defenders are equipped to intervene in key conversations and online spaces where right-wing misinformation competes with feminist values.

Our network of trained activists is robust and growing, increasing in number from 10,000 to, now, 30,000. In the run-up to the election, these activists will be organized into local cohorts in key states like Texas, South Carolina, Georgia and Wisconsin, where they can support local issues and campaigns with targeted strategies.

Combatting disinformation

A major goal of the Digital Defenders program is to inoculate communities against election disinformation and fear-based propaganda. Through group trainings, we ensure that our activists avoid perpetuating misinformation while amplifying effective, values-based messaging. Our timely training programs and a custom-built online learning platform make these resources accessible to a wide audience.

Why it matters

The internet is a powerful machine for organizing and mobilizing—but it’s also a place where misinformation can spread far and wide and fast. Our Digital Defenders program strengthens the backbone of our movement, ensuring that we remain a cohesive and powerful force for progressive change. By equipping individuals with the skills and tools to navigate and counter misinformation in the digital landscape, we are safeguarding not just our movement but our democracy itself.

How to join us

We invite CREDO Mobile members and supporters to join our Digital Defenders feminist cyber-force. As a Digital Defender, you’ll be part of a proactive movement to protect feminist values and democracy from those who seek to undermine them. Together, we can ensure that our movement continues to grow and succeed, safeguarding our rights and freedoms for generations to come.

Ready to join? Sign up here.

This September vote for EveryLibrary, Social Security Works and Women’s March Network

This September, CREDO Mobile is supporting 3 nonprofits working for a better world. Your vote determines how the donation is allocated between the groups.  You can vote at www.credodonations.com.

List of groups CREDO Mobile is funding in September:  Every Library, Social Security Works and Women's March Network.


Every Library LogoEveryLibrary

EveryLibrary is the national non-partisan library political action committee. We are dedicated to supporting democracy, election participation, and civics while opposing unconstitutional censorship attempts to discriminate against diverse readers. Your support will help us tell the library story to voters where funding is challenged on local ballots and through our Libraries2024 national outreach campaign. We want to activate voters on Election Day for their libraries and against censorship.

Social Security Works LogoSocial Security Works.

Social Security Works knows that the best defense against right-wing lies is a good offense. That’s why we fight every day to expand―never cut―our Social Security system!  Forces have been plotting to cut Social Security for nearly a century. Funding from CREDO members will help SSW defeat the plot to create a program to fast-track cuts to Social Security.

Women's March Network LogoWomen’s March Network

Women’s March Network is composed of women and allies fighting towards a feminist future and for justice every day all over the country in ways big and small. Funding from CREDO members will help Women’s March continue the hard, timely and necessary work of building a feminist future for all.

Voting is quick, easy and free. Be sure to vote by the end of the month.

CREDO Mobile customers who use our service everyday are the reason we are able to make these donations each month. Learn more about CREDO Mobile and help make progressive change every time you use your phone.

Donations spotlight: Love books? Back EveryLibrary in its fight to defend and sustain public libraries

Note from the CREDO Mobile team: This September, EveryLibrary is among three amazing groups that will receive a share of our monthly grant. Funding from the CREDO community will support EveryLibrary as it helps public, school and college libraries win funding at the ballot box and defends libraries against book banning, illicit political interference and threats of closure.

 Read this important blog post about EveryLibrary, then visit CREDODonations.com and cast your vote to help send much-needed grant money to the group to assist its effort—and the efforts of our other outstanding September grantees.

Public libraries are at the heart of our communities. Yet, across the nation, they are increasingly under attack, facing threats to their funding and challenges to the very principles of intellectual freedom they uphold. As the only national 501(c)(4) organization dedicated to libraries, EveryLibrary stands on the frontline of this battle, providing crucial support to libraries in their most critical moments. Our mission is simple but powerful: to help libraries win funding and fight censorship.

Securing vital funding for libraries

In communities large and small, library funding regularly hangs in the balance, dependent on the outcome of local ballot initiatives. EveryLibrary plays a pivotal role in these initiatives, offering pro-bono consulting, strategic advice and direct financial support to ensure that libraries have the resources they need to continue serving their communities.

A recent example is the Alpena County Library in Michigan. Faced with a strident campaign to defund it, the library had an uncertain future. Supporters contacted EveryLibrary just six weeks before a critical election that would determine whether the library could keep its doors open. We quickly mobilized to amplify the library’s informational campaign, helping supporters communicate the importance of new funding to voters. Thanks to these efforts, funding was renewed, securing the library’s future and ensuring that the right to read remains protected in Alpena County.

Every dollar we raise for local library ballot initiatives has a massive impact. On average, every $1 helps secure over $1,600 in stable library funding. This means that even a small contribution from an individual donor can have a profound effect on the future of libraries across the country.

Helping libraries help everyone vote

Libraries are essential to increasing civic engagement and sustaining democracy. Our VoteLibraries initiative is designed to assist libraries in their mission to ensure that all citizens who want to vote are registered, informed and empowered to access the ballot.

VoteLibraries equips libraries in communities and on campuses with the skills, tools and resources they need to host robust nonpartisan voter-information and election-support programs in 2024 and beyond. Drawing on our extensive experience with library ballot campaigns and initiatives like Libraries2024, as well as partnerships with other national organizations and our leadership role in projects like National Voter Registration Day, we are eager to support libraries as they create new pathways to civic engagement.

Fighting for the right to read

EveryLibrary is also deeply committed to fighting censorship and defending intellectual freedom. In recent years, we’ve seen an alarming rise in attempts to ban books, particularly books that reflect the voices and experiences of LGBTQIA+ and BIPOC communities. Our work in this area is vital to ensuring that libraries can continue to provide access to diverse ideas and stories.

Through our platforms like Fight for the First, we’ve helped over 100 communities launch campaigns against book bans, empowering local advocates with the tools and resources they need to stand up for their libraries. Our partnership with researchers like Dr. Tasslyn Magnusson has also been instrumental in tracking and countering the growing networks behind these censorship efforts, revealing that over 4,000 books were targeted for banning in 2023 alone.

A unique and impactful organization

EveryLibrary’s status as a 501(c)(4) organization enables us to engage in the political advocacy that is often necessary to protect libraries. We’ve supported over 130 library campaigns across the country, helping to secure nearly $3 billion in funding for libraries. Our work is not just about winning elections, it’s about ensuring that libraries can continue to serve their communities, providing access to information, education and culture for all.

As the only national organization of our kind, EveryLibrary occupies a unique and powerful position in the fight for libraries. But we can’t do it alone. Together, we can ensure that every library remains a vibrant, essential part of its community.

Learn more at EveryLibrary.org.

Is your phone slowing down? Try these tips to speed it up

We all slow down with age. And your phone is no different. As it gets older, you might notice that it just doesn’t have the zip it once did.

But before you embark on an upgrade, there are a few steps you can take to speed up your old phone and keep on using the device you’ve come to know and like.

Restart often

You should restart your phone at least once a week. Shut it down, let it rest for a minute, then switch it on again. If your phone is running quite slowly, you might want to restart a few times a week. Restarting your phone will free up memory, minimize those annoying screen freezes, extend battery life and help your phone perform more smoothly in general.

That’s because every webpage loaded, every software update, every new app you install or uninstall will add or delete code in your phone’s operating system. This clutter can slow down your phone. Restarting will clear out most of it and make your phone run better.

A restart will also turn off apps that are running in the background. You may not know it but when you close an app, you’re not really closing it, you’re just putting it on the sideline. It will keep on operating, taking up memory and using battery power until you restart.

Delete apps you don’t use

You’ve probably got at least a couple apps on your phone that you never use. Most people do. Streaming apps they don’t watch, fitness apps they’ve given up on, games that have grown boring. In fact, a fourth of all apps downloaded are used just once and never again. Far more are used a few times and forgotten.

These zombie apps are, well, if not an apocalypse, at least a drag because they use storage and memory, and slow down your phone. Some apps start eating space on your phone the minute you install them. Call of Duty: Mobile sucks up a massive 15GB. Other apps start out modestly, then hog more memory as you use them. Photo and video editing major consumers, as they save a version of all the original photos and videos that you edit. The more you edit, the more space the app takes.

If you use an app often, it’s OK to give it space. But you should delete the apps you don’t use—the games you’re tired of, the zany photo filters that were fun for 20 minutes—to free up juice for the apps you do use and enable them to run faster.

Ready to go all Marie Kondo on your phone? If you have an iPhone, touch and hold the app you want to delete. When the menu appears, tap Delete app, then Delete. Uninstalling apps on an Android phone works the same way. Find the app, touch and hold it, and when the menu pops up, tap Uninstall.

Update apps you do use

Once you’ve cleared out the apps you don’t use, you should make sure you’re running the most recent, most efficient versions of the apps you do use.

If you have an iPhone, open the App Store. Tap your profile icon at the top of the screen, then scroll down to see if any updates are pending. Tap Update next to an app to update just that app or tap Update all. If you have an Android, open the Google Play Store. Tap your profile icon at the top right. Tap Manage apps and device > Manage, then select the apps you want to update. And tap Update.

Clear the cache

Every website you go to and every app you open may place bits of data on your phone that slow it down. Clearing the cache will free storage, fix app technical glitches and boost performance.

If you have an iPhone, open Settings, tap Safari > Advanced, then select Website data. Tap Remove all website data. On your Android, open Settings, then tap Battery and device care. Tap Memory > Apps not used recently. Go through the list of apps and select those you want to clean up. Tap an app and select App info > Storage. Tap Clear cache at the bottom of the screen.

Upgrade when the time comes

Try as you might—and should—to extend the life of your current phone, there will come a day when it’s time for a new phone. At CREDO Mobile, we have a wide selection of the latest devices.

And while every phone has features, CREDO Mobile phones have a little extra: a purpose. Because whenever you use your CREDO phone, you’ll raise vital donations for nonprofit groups like Friends of the Earth, Social Security Works and Reproductive Freedom for All.

To date, we’ve given over $95 million to these and many other nonprofits dedicated to making our world a better place. These donations cost our customers nothing extra. But they mean everything to the groups that rely on us.

Donations spotlight: Support Earth Guardians as it presses for youth-driven climate action

Note from the CREDO Mobile team: This August, Earth Guardians is among three amazing groups that will receive a share of our monthly grant. Funding from the CREDO community will help Earth Guardians train diverse youth to be influential leaders at the forefront of the climate movement around the globe.

 Read this important blog post about Earth Guardians’ critical work, then visit CREDODonations.com and cast your vote to help send funding to the group to assist its efforts—and the efforts of our other outstanding August grantees.

For nearly three decades, Earth Guardians has been at the forefront of empowering and developing youth and young adults into climate justice leaders. Founded in 1992, Earth Guardians is an international intergenerational organization dedicated to training youth at the intersection of climate, environmental and social justice. Our mission is fueled by a commitment to youth agency, community building and nonviolent direct action, employing art, civic engagement and grassroots projects to address climate change and environmental degradation around the globe.

Our unique strength lies in engaging our network of global Crews in community-driven action while shaping young people into climate justice professionals. With a youth-led team that is predominantly under 30, BIPOC and female, our internal leadership emphasizes diversity and empowerment.

We prioritize underserved communities, providing our network with resources and training to promote a holistic approach to climate justice. Our achievements and ongoing programs reflect our dedication to nurturing the next generation of leaders and protecting Mother Earth for generations to come.

Major impact over the years

Over the past five years, Earth Guardians has made significant strides in initiating youth-led climate solutions and campaigns. We have provided educational resources to 20,000 classrooms across the U.S., equipping educators and students with tools to understand and address climate change. Our global reforestation efforts are monumental, with over 50,000 trees planted across Africa, India and Brazil, restoring ecosystems and combating deforestation. Additionally, we have disbursed $85,000 to support youth-led grassroots projects, significantly benefiting local communities through initiatives such as community gardens, renewable energy projects and environmental education programs.

In 2020, during COVID-19, we distributed $10 million worth of PPE to Native American tribes, safeguarding vulnerable communities. Our voter registration campaign successfully registered 25,000 young voters, ensuring their participation in decisions that impact their future. We have also guided youth across the U.S. in resisting fossil fuel pipelines and supported numerous climate-related lawsuits, empowering youth to take legal action against environmental injustices.

Since 2015, our youth leaders have participated in key events including the Conference of the Parties (COP), the United Nations National Assembly and U.S. Senate hearings, amplifying their voices on critical platforms and advocating for meaningful climate action. During COP27, we initiated our Choose Action Now Campaign with 76 global actions, mostly led by women of color and directly benefiting 40,000 individuals.

Achievements in the past year

In the past year, we’ve achieved significant progress. Our Crew in Togo planted 14,000 trees, restoring a 37-hectare community forest in Tagba and training 250 locals in sustainable agriculture. Our EG Cameroon Crew planted 5,000 trees in community forests and our Crews in India planted 12,000 mangroves. On Sherbro Island, in Sierra Leone, we established 10 mangrove nurseries with 10,000 seedlings each, installed 200 honeybee hives, trained 234 people in beekeeping and are on track to plant 100,000 mangroves to combat climate change.

This spring, we hosted the fourth annual Indigenous Youth Leadership Development Training outside of Washington, D.C., for Native American climate leaders. We also continue to provide virtual live masterclasses and one-on-one mentorship to our Crews throughout the year. Additionally, we’re in the process of allocating $30,000 to support 60 grassroots sustainable-development projects led by EG Crews worldwide.

Our programs at a glance

Central to our efforts is our Crew network made up of youth-led chapters that address local environmental challenges while contributing to the global climate movement. EG Crews are actively engaged in climate and environmental protection projects across six continents, including large-scale restoration projects in Sierra Leone, Cameroon, Togo, Odisha, Mexico City and São Paulo. Our Crews’ work, guided by EG’s leadership team, encompasses sustainable agriculture, ecosystem management, forest restoration, water preservation and wildlife protection.

To support these initiatives, we offer EG Crews Resources like Project Grants. These grants fund our Crews’ projects, providing monetary resources to underserved communities to support those most affected by climate chaos. Additionally, we offer online and in-person training, educational resources, partnerships and global campaigns to support the work of our Crews network. We also provide targeted mentorship to all our Crews through our Regional Crew Council, comprising seven members who offer personal guidance to Crews in their respective global regions.

Our Indigenous Youth Leadership Initiative supports Native youth in North and Central America through leadership training focused on environmental justice and Indigenous rights. Like Crews, this program provides education, mentorship and a robust support network, helping Indigenous youth build sovereignty and tackle climate and environmental injustices affecting their communities.

Lastly, our Speakers’ Bureau program amplifies the voices of inspiring Earth Guardians youth speakers at major events, conferences and educational institutions, driving urgent climate action. This year, through our Speakers’ Bureau, we launched Earth Voices: Inspiring Shift to target underserved youth in U.S. inner cities and engage them in climate justice efforts. This initiative features EG public speakers who address the climate crisis by involving students in direct-action activities and supporting the creation of school-based Crews to combat the adverse physical and mental health impacts of climate change on youth.

Your vote matters

Join us in our mission to empower youth and protect our planet by voting for Earth Guardians and supporting our transformative climate justice programs—your vote makes a difference for future generations. Thank you.

To learn more about Earth Guardians, go to EarthGuardians.org.

CREDO funding supports the Center for Disaster Philanthropy to ensure equitable disaster recovery for marginalized communities

When marginalized people most need help, the Center for Disaster Philanthropy makes sure they get it. That’s why CREDO Mobile supports CDP.

CDP mobilizes philanthropy to enable all communities to withstand disasters and recover equitably when they happen. It allows donors to give with the knowledge that their gift will empower marginalized communities to rebuild and recover stronger. It does this by ensuring that the communities are engaged in recovery as agents rather than objects of assistance.

With the climate crisis causing more frequent and more severe natural disasters, CDP’s mission is more urgent than ever. No longer are devastating hurricanes, wildfires and floods once-a-generation events, they now strike often, wiping out lives and entire communities with frightening regularity.

Take tornadoes. From January to April 2024, there were 547 tornadoes in the U.S., almost double the average from 1991 to 2020. Tornado alley is growing and putting millions more people in harm’s way. And “tornado clusters” are now a thing, with multiple twisters at once tearing through regions. A series of powerful storms in the central and southern U.S. over the Memorial Day weekend killed at least 26 people.

CDP’s Tornado Recovery Fund helps communities hit by tornadoes. Donors contribute to the fund knowing that their gift will be targeted to long-term, equitable recovery. The fund prioritizes:

  • Assistance for Black-led and women-led organizations that have or can build trust networks with survivors.
  • New housing that’s affordable, as well as housing repair and utility support, especially for low-income people in communities of color
  • Improved response capacity and infrastructure to minimize future impacts to marginalized communities.
  • Investment in equitable and holistic programs to equip communities that have limited resources and low organizational capacity with the means for future disaster recovery.

CDP doesn’t do airdrops and photo ops. It puts in time, and taps the knowledge and experience that resides in communities affected by disasters. It relies on local populations, particularly marginalized people, for guidance, because they’re best-positioned to recognize the path toward equitable recovery.

CREDO support of the Center for Disaster Philanthropy

Our donation has helped the recent growth of CDP’s relief operations. With CREDO support, CDP has been able to expand its efforts through improved education programs and through its own grantmaking.

Since February, CDP has made 19 grants to disaster-recovery efforts around the world, with a focus on low-attention crises, underfunded disasters and marginalized populations. CDP has also produced and promoted seven webinars and published 35 blog posts.

Together, CREDO and CDP are making a difference

When disasters strike, it’s marginalized people who suffer most. Wherever they are, CDP reaches them and delivers the long-term, equitable recovery they need. And it does so with support from CREDO funding.

If you’re a CREDO customer, thank you for helping CDP minimize the human impact of disasters worldwide. If you’re not a customer, please consider joining now. You’ll get all you want from a phone company: the nation’s top-rated network, competitive plans and great deals on new devices.

And you’ll get much more. You’ll get an easy, effective way to make a difference in the world by generating much-needed donations for progressive nonprofits dedicated to the causes you believe in, like the environment, human rights and economic equality.

To learn more about the critical work CDP does, go to DisasterPhilanthropy.org.

You’re Invited: August Events

Black Voters Matter | Texting Tuesday with Black Voters Matter | Tuesdays starting 8/13 6pm ET | Virtual

Join us at 6pm ET every week as we gather to drive change through digital organizing. Our texting campaigns will give you the opportunity to engage residents across the U.S. while empowering them to make a positive impact in their communities. Register here.



Super Majority | Majority Leaders Speaker Series Lineup | 8/14 8pm ET | Virtual

Close out the 2024 Majority Leaders Speaker Series with a session about the young people getting themselves on the ballot and into elected office, the struggles they’ve faced as they’ve worked to get a seat at the table, and the efforts they’re making to ensure that progress continues.



Black Voters Matter | Postcard Party | 8/22 6-7pm ET | Virtual

Join our virtual postcard parties on Zoom! With other volunteers, you will create personalized messages to remind individuals of the POWER that they hold in their communities. We will provide training and the platform for you to submit your message.



Fair Fight Action | Volunteer for Democracy | Various | Various

As our democracy faces unprecedented challenges, Fair Fight is proud to launch the LFG (Volunteer) campaign. We’re empowering everyday Americans to support voters and protect our democratic process from election deniers and conspiracy theorists trying to tear our country apart. With the stakes higher than ever, we need your help to ensure fair and free elections in 2024, so LFG(V)!!!



Rainforest Action Network | Summer of Heat – Feminists Fight Fossil Fuels | 8/25 2PM New York, NY

This week we honor the women, femmes, and non-binary people of all genders who are at the forefront of fighting against fossil fuels and for a livable future. There is no feminism without climate justice!



Black Voters Matter | Voicing Our Power: A Conversation Series with Volunteers, 3 event series on Wednesdays starting 8/28 | 6-7pm ET | Virtual

Through this conversation series, we are bringing real discussions from our volunteer community! From August – October we will discuss issues that matter to us like economic justice, anti-DEI, and affordable housing while being honest about how we feel about voting.



Animal Legal Defense Fund 32nd annual Animal Law Conference | 10/18-10/24 | Portland, OR and Online

Attend the 32nd annual Animal Law Conference, taking place October 18–20, 2024, in Portland, OR, USA, and online. The Animal Law Conference, co-presented by the Animal Legal Defense Fund and the Center for Animal Law Studies at Lewis & Clark Law School, is the country’s premier animal law conference, convening experts from around the world to explore current and emerging topics in animal law. Learn more about the conference and register now!



Women’s March | National Women’s March | November 2 | Washington DC and Everywhere. 3pm ET (for the Washington DC March)

https://act.womensmarch.com/survey/Action_November2_MarchPledge/ This November, we must deliver a clear message to those who threaten our rights, freedoms, and futures. Pledge to join us in Washington, DC, host a GOTV event or a local march in your city.



350.org | Don’t Burn Our Future: Clean Power Now! | Saturday 8/10 11AM | Burlington, VT

On August 10th from 11 to noon, Vermonters will call on utilities and elected officials to urgently move away from outdated and dirty energy infrastructure in favor of a clean and affordable energy future.



350.org | Own Your Power – say NO to another utility rate increase! | Monday 8/12 9AM | Carson City, NV

We need YOU to help us make a big impact at the upcoming Public Utilities Commission’s hearing because they are proposing to raise the utility rates of Northern Nevada residents.



350.org | PUCO: Stop Shutting Off Our Power! | Tuesday 8/13 12 PM | Cincinnati, OH

Join Communities United For Action (CUFA) as we rally to demand the the Public Utility Commission of Ohio do its job and ensure Power For the People by taking action to end shut offs!



350.org | Energy for Everyone: Affordable, Clean and Safe Energy in Chicagoland | 8/14 – 8/16 10:30 AM | Chicago, IL

We will be holding a rally/press conference to hold utilities, especially Investor Owned Utilities (IOU’s) accountable for their actions.



350.org | Energy for Everyone: People over Profits | 8/14 11:00 AM | Oakland, CA

Join us in taking action and telling PG&E that everyone deserves access to affordable, safe, reliable, renewable energy!