4 ways to fight back as Republicans hijack the Supreme Court
On her deathbed, progressive hero and tireless fighter for justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said, “My most fervent wish is that I will not be replaced until a new president is installed.”
Yet, right now — as you are reading this — Donald Trump, Mitch McConnell and Republicans are stealing yet another Supreme Court seat right before an election to solidify an extreme conservative majority for a generation.
With the all-but-inevitable confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett, so many of our progressive values are on the line — including reproductive rights, climate and economic justice, voting rights, marriage equality, affordable health care and protections for people with pre-existing conditions, even the outcome of the presidential election. In short, our democracy is at stake.
So what can we do? We can do a lot. Here are 4 things you can do right now as Republicans hijack the Supreme Court.
Vote. Vote. Vote.
Voting in this election — and convincing all of your friends and family to vote — is now more important than ever before. With so much at stake, the results of the election will determine if the White House and Congress will be able to serve as a strong and forceful check on a right-wing Supreme Court who could overturn progressive victories like marriage equality and Roe v. Wade.
In addition, Trump has signaled he may call into question the results of the election, which could ultimately end up in the courts and be quickly decided by the Supreme Court. Not too long ago, Vice President Al Gore’s fate was sealed in the 2000 election when the Supreme Court essentially ended the Florida recount by a 5 to 4 vote, handing the presidency to George W. Bush. But it doesn’t have to end up like that this time. If progressives vote in such overwhelming numbers, there should be no possible way Trump can cast doubt on the outcome.
Visit our allies at Vote.org to check your registration and make a plan to vote,
Call Your Senators.
If you’ve seen the news reports, you probably think this nomination is a done deal. And it might likely be. But progressives like us don’t take “no” for an answer — not when it’s this important and so much is on the line.
Contacting your elected officials is a critical way to make your voice heard, and you’d be surprised how influential constituent contact can be to sitting members of Congress.
When you call, tell your senators that voters should have a voice in deciding who fills Justice Ginsburg’s seat, why they should not vote to confirm a Supreme Court nominee this close to an election, and all the issues that are at stake if this confirmation moves forward. Even if you believe that your senators will vote against confirmation, you should call them, explain how much this matters to you and our progressive values, and thank them for taking a stand.
Call the Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121, and the operator can connect you to the offices of your senators.
Send Your Senators a Letter.
If you can’t call your senators — our preferred method of contact this close to confirmation — you have another option.
Our allies at the ACLU have put together a simple form for you to send a letter to your senators, urging them to delay any confirmation for Justice Ginsburg’s replacement until after the inauguration.
Click here to send a letter to your senators.
Follow Our Allies at Take Back the Court.
The Republican Party has spent millions of dollars over decades quietly remaking the courts in its most conservative image — mostly white, right-wing, unqualified men who hold extreme views that are out of touch with mainstream America.
Our allies at Take Back the Court are taking the fight directly to the American people by informing the public about the danger that the Supreme Court poses to democracy, and about the viability of court expansion—adding seats to the Court—as the only strategy that re-balances the court after its 2016 theft. Last month, CREDO members helped us donate $50,000 to support their important work.
Next year, if Democrats take back the White House and the Senate, they have the opportunity to un-rig the broken system that’s stripped rights away from Black voters, allowed racist gerrymandering and the flood of unlimited dark money into politics, and threatens so many of our progressive values by rebalancing the Supreme Court to reflect the views of the majority of Americans.
Learn more about Take Back the Court’s work, and follow them on Facebook and Twitter.