Are you charging your phone wrong?

Phones are awesome. We love our phones. But let’s be honest. There are times when our phones annoy us, especially as they get older. They respond sluggishly to taps and prompts. They load apps slowly. Sometimes the screen freezes.

If your phone is acting like this, there’s a good chance the battery is to blame. Because as your battery ages, its health degrades and it’s not able to supply the juice your phone needs to run at peak efficiency.

Your goal is to keep your battery young and fit. And to do that, you have to charge it right. Here’s how.

Charge when the battery reaches 20%

Your life is measured in years. Your phone battery’s life is measured in charge cycles. Most batteries are good for 300-500 charge cycles. One charge cycle equals the complete discharge and recharge of the battery.

To minimize the number of charge cycles and extend your battery’s life, charge your phone when the battery reaches 20%. You’ve no doubt heard somewhere at some time from someone that it’s good for a battery to fully drain it. This is a myth. Charging your battery from 0% will degrade it.

Don’t charge to 100%

Fully charging your battery will stress it out. Instead, charge it up to 80%-85%, then unplug it.

Don’t leave your phone plugged in

A lot of people plug in their phone and let it charge whenever they’re not using it—in the car, at home, at work. But leaving your phone plugged in after it’s fully charged can damage the battery.

It’s called “trickle charging.” If you leave your phone plugged in after it reaches 100%, the charger will top up the battery continuously and diminish its capacity.

Minimize fast charging

Most phones nowadays come with fast-charging capability, so you can charge your phone in a fraction of the time it would take otherwise. Sometimes this is necessary. But fast-charging your phone repeatedly will damage the battery and shorten its lifespan.

Don’t let your phone get too hot

Heat is bad for lithium-ion batteries. So keep your phone out of the sun. And keep in mind that, if your phone is in a case, it will heat up more quickly.

Get a new battery instead of a new phone

When their battery’s performance begins to flag, most people buy a new phone. It’s certainly more convenient. But it’s also more expensive (about 10 times more) and not good for the environment.

There’s an obstacle, of course. It’s not easy to replace your battery. A lot of modern phones have embedded batteries that are hard to switch out. But many manufacturers will replace the battery in your phone. Or you can find a local repair service to do it.

Join CREDO Mobile

Taking care of your battery makes good sense, economically and environmentally. There’s a phone company that does the same: CREDO Mobile.

We’re economical. We’ve got great deals on new devices, competitive plans and the nation’s top-rated, most reliable network.

And we’re committed to the environment. We have a long history—since 1985—of supporting nonprofit groups dedicated to defending our natural world. Nonprofits like Friends of the Earth, the Center for Biological Diversity and Rainforest Action Network. To date, we’ve donated over $20 Million to these environmental groups and dozens more.

Ready to join the phone company that fights for the causes you care about? It’s easy to do.

On climate change: CREDO Mobile makes a difference

In early 2024, we sent a donation to Inside Climate News, the leading voice of independent climate journalism and a powerful force in the fight to save our planet.

In 2015, ICN broke the story of Exxon and its decades-long campaign to spread disinformation about global warming and undermine climate action—all for the sake of Exxon profit. This was a crime against humanity and Exxon is now on trial for it. But the trial would not be happening without the work of Inside Climate News.

In 2020, ICN uncovered American and Chinese factories that were emitting large volumes of nitrous oxide, a potent greenhouse gas, despite having access to inexpensive abatement technology. Now, four years later, the story is being used by the U.S. State Department to move toward a potential climate agreement between the US and China to significantly reduce emissions of nitrous oxide – to the tune of taking approximately 50 million cars off the road.

Since receiving our 2024 donation, ICN has accelerated its efforts. It has published over 800 stories so far this year and they’re reaching a wide audience. ICN now has more than 10 million regular readers and it has connected with an additional 6.5 million readers in 2024 through its partnership with Apple News.

ICN is providing important coverage of the 2024 elections and implications for the climate, like the role played by fracking in Pennsylvania’s competitive Senate race. ICN expanded its local reporting network in June with the addition of a bureau in North Carolina that has already broken a number of major environmental stories.

ICN was able to do all these things because our customers do one thing: use our service. When they do, they raise much-needed donations for progressive nonprofit groups like ICN. If you’re a CREDO Mobile member, thank you. If you’re not, please join us now and make a difference in the world—just by using your phone.

Donations spotlight: Help the National Women’s Law Center fight book bans targeting women and people of color

Note from the CREDO Mobile team: This October, the National Women’s Law Center is among three amazing groups that will receive a share of our monthly grant. Funding from the CREDO Mobile community will support the NWLC as it works to protect and advance women’s legal rights, with a focus on economic security, education, employment, health and other policy areas that are vital to women and their families.

 Read this important blog post by Mercedes Hightower, NWLC’s Senior Manager for Campaigns, Education Justice, then visit and cast your vote to help send much-needed grant money to the group to assist its efforts—and the efforts of our other outstanding October grantees.

The National Women’s Law Center fights for gender justice—in the courts, in public policy and in our society—working across the issues that are central to the lives of women and girls. We use the law in all its forms to change culture and drive solutions to the gender inequity that shapes our society and to break down the barriers that harm all of us, especially women of color, LGBTQ people, and low-income women and families. For over 50 years, we have been on the leading edge of every major legal and policy victory for women.

In this post, we’ll examine the way that book bans disproportionately target books by and about women, people of color and LGBTQI+ individuals, and detail the impact of such censorship. At the National Women’s Law Center, we’re committed to ensuring all students have the opportunity to learn with safety and dignity. Please consider voting for the NWLC to receive a portion of CREDO Mobile’s monthly donation this October. Your support could make a significant difference during a critical time for gender justice!

Targeted censorship silences voices and erases people

In the United States, there has always been a struggle to provide equal access to stories and histories of diverse communities. We’ve slowly been making progress but a renewed focus on banning books seeks to take us backward. These bans disproportionately target books by and about women, people of color and LGBTQI+ people. This targeted censorship silences the voices and erases the complex histories and experiences of these communities, sending the message that there is something obscene about bringing visibility to their stories—and further normalizing stigma and discrimination against them.

Historically, book bans have been tools of oppression used to maintain the status quo by suppressing dissenting ideas and perspectives. Today, the books most frequently challenged are those that confront societal norms (which are often grounded in white, cis-hetero ideals of how people should look or act) or provide a voice to those who have been historically silenced and marginalized. The works of authors like Maya Angelou, Toni Morrison and Yaa Gyasi are frequently found on banned book lists—not because they promote harmful ideologies but because they tell difficult truths about the experiences of people in the U.S. who have managed to thrive in the face of extreme discrimination and violence.

The danger of book bans extends beyond the immediate silencing of authors and stories. They contribute to a broader cultural amnesia, systematically erasing the histories and experiences of marginalized communities. This erasure not only distorts our understanding of the world but also perpetuates the marginalization of these communities by denying their stories a place in our collective consciousness.

Moreover, the targeting of books by and about women and people of color sends a chilling message: that their stories are less valuable and less worthy of being told. It reinforces the idea that the dominant narratives—the white, male, cis, heterosexual experience—are the only ones that matter. This undermines the importance of diversity in literature and deprives readers of both crucial representation of their identities and experiences and the opportunity to engage with a wide range of perspectives and experiences.

Book bans limit our understanding of the world

In a time when we should be encouraging the exploration of diverse voices and stories, book bans do the opposite. They limit our understanding of the world and reinforce harmful stereotypes and prejudices. Instead of banning books, we should be promoting them—especially those that challenge us to think critically about the world we live in and the people in that world with us.

As we consider the impact of these book bans, it is crucial to recognize that the fight against censorship is also a fight to elevate the voices of women, people of color, LGBTQ+ folks and many other marginalized communities. By fighting back against these bans, we affirm the importance of diverse stories and the power of literature to broaden our understanding of the world and people who are different from us. To ban a book is to silence a voice—and when that happens, we lose the opportunity to learn, grow and see the world through the eyes of another. In the end, it is not just the books that are at risk but our collective hope to be and do better.

To highlight our fight against banning books, NWLC staff are sharing a list of some of our favorite books and what they’ve meant to us. We created two lists: one focused on young adult and adult books and another focused on children’s books. This list is just a small snapshot of the books now being targeted across the country and we will fight for everyone’s right to read them if they choose.

To learn more about our work fighting for equitable access to education and the history of diverse communities, visit

This October, CREDO Mobile is supporting: Democracy Forward, National Women’s Law Center and Rainforest Foundation US

This October, CREDO Mobile is supporting 3 progressive nonprofits. Your vote determines how the donation is allocated between the groups.  You can vote at

List of nonprofits CREDO Mobile is funding in October, 2024. Democracy Forward, National Women's Law Center and Rainforest Foundation US

Democracy Forward Logo

Democracy Forward

Democracy Forward is a national legal organization that advances democracy and social progress through litigation, policy and public education, and regulatory engagement. We defend progress, disrupt extremism, and build for the future—all at once.  Funding from CREDO Mobile members furthers our ability to address the range of issues that threaten our democracy—from combatting censorship to advancing reproductive rights to economic freedom to health equity and more—in the courts, in communities, and across our nation.

National Women's Law Center LogoNational Women’s Law Center

The National Women’s Law Center uses the law in all its forms to change culture and drive solutions to the gender inequity that shapes our society and to break down the barriers that harm all of us—especially women of color, LGBTQ people, and low-income women and families. A CREDO Mobile grant will help NWLC’s committed staff of dedicated experts, lawyers and advocates, identify and address key issues that affect women and their families including child care, reproductive rights, education and more.

Rainforest Foundation US LogoRainforest Foundation US

Rainforest Foundation US partners with Indigenous peoples in the Amazon and Central America to protect rainforests. Keeping forests standing is a climate solution, and Indigenous peoples are the forest’s best guardians. CREDO Mobile’s grant will help RFUS support our Indigenous partners in protecting rainforests in the Amazon and Central America by securing their land rights, preventing illegal deforestation, and strengthening their institutions and governance.

Voting is quick, easy and free. Be sure to vote by the end of the month.  Tell your like minded friends. The greater the percentage of the vote any nonprofit gets, the greater the percentage of the donation they will receive.

These donations are only possible because of CREDO Mobile customers. Learn more about CREDO Mobile and help make progressive change every time you use your phone. It is easy to switch and you will be glad you did.

Donations spotlight: Support Rainforest Foundation US as it defends the Indigenous and traditional peoples of the world’s rainforests

Note from the CREDO Mobile team: This October, Rainforest Foundation US is among three amazing groups that will receive a share of our monthly grant. Funding from the CREDO Mobile community will support the Rainforest Foundation, founded over 30 years ago by Sting and Trudie Styler, as it works to uphold the rights of Indigenous and traditional peoples of the world’s rainforests and protect their environment.

 Read this important blog post about the Rainforest Foundation, then visit and cast your vote to help send much-needed grant money to the group to assist its efforts—and the efforts of our other outstanding October grantees.

The work of Rainforest Foundation US integrates scientific evidence, technology and Indigenous knowledge to effectively protect rainforests and tackle the climate crisis.

That Indigenous knowledge is key, because Indigenous peoples are masters of climate change mitigation. Indigenous lands in the Amazon are effective carbon sinks, absorbing more carbon than they release. Lands legally held or titled to Indigenous people have lower deforestation rates than untitled Indigenous lands.

Indigenous peoples have shaped and managed vast rainforest territories for millennia. These rainforests regulate rainfall, store carbon and shelter immense biodiversity and sociocultural diversity. In recent years, several studies have provided statistical evidence confirming that lands legally titled to Indigenous peoples are the most efficient models for forest protection.

This is why Rainforest Foundation US directly supports Indigenous communities to gain title for their customary lands, one of just a handful of organizations that do this work.

Forests managed by Indigenous peoples capture more carbon

Indigenous peoples’ lands in the Amazon act as robust carbon sinks. And they contrast sharply with areas under public and private management, which frequently struggle to maintain their ecological balance and often become sources of carbon emissions. Areas of the Amazon managed by Indigenous peoples with documented or formal land claims have been some of the most secure and reliable net carbon sinks over the past two decades. Between 2001 and 2021, these forests emitted around 120 million metric tons of CO2 annually while removing 460 million metric tons, resulting in a net total of 340 million metric tons removed from the atmosphere, which is equivalent to the annual fossil fuel emissions by the U.K.

Fortunately, we’re now seeing the advancement of formal recognition for Indigenous, Afro-descendant and local communities’ lands, with an increase of 254 million acres between 2015 and 2020. But we know we still have a lot of work ahead of us. At least 3.2 billion acres of ancestral lands remain unrecognized under national laws, leaving them vulnerable to exploitation and degradation. Moreover, as many countries in the Global South push for speedy economic and industrial development, the demand for land—including Indigenous peoples’ territories—intensifies.

Land rights are crucial to halt deforestation

The critical role of Indigenous communities holding land titles is evident in the Brazilian Amazon. By examining data from 245 Indigenous territories ratified between 1982 and 2016, researchers found that deforestation significantly decreased within these territories once they were legally recognized. Communities with established collective property rights have legal backing to protect their lands against the unauthorized exploitation of resources, leading to an approximate 66% decrease in border deforestation, the researchers showed.

More research, published in 2023, indicated a heightened capacity for the restoration of deforested lands in titled Indigenous territories. Over a 33-year span, these areas experienced a 5% increase in secondary forest coverage, 23% greater growth than on adjacent privately owned or unincorporated lands.

Technology can bolster Indigenous-led rainforest protection

An analysis of Rainforest Foundation’s Rainforest Alert methodology, published in 2021 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, found that communities equipped with satellite data via smartphones saw dramatically less forest loss than similar communities that did not adopt the technology.

Between 2018 and 2019, researchers implemented Indigenous-led, technology-based forest-monitoring programs in 36 communities in Loreto, the northernmost region of the Peruvian Amazon. Those under the program saw 52% and 21% less deforestation in the first and second year of the program respectively, compared with 37 other communities in Loreto where the program wasn’t implemented. The gains were concentrated in communities at highest risk of deforestation and resulted in the protection of 19. 5 million acres in 2023 alone.

The important takeaway in these findings is the contribution made by Indigenous and community-managed lands to mitigating climate change and enhancing biodiversity conservation. Expanding land rights is pivotal for environmental protection efforts, as is stressing the need for policies and support to secure Indigenous and community land management and ownership as a critical step toward achieving global climate and biodiversity targets. Integrating Indigenous peoples’ territories into conservation strategies, increasing government support for Indigenous land management and ensuring that a greater portion of climate finance reaches Indigenous communities directly are all essential and urgent acts, and are core to Rainforest Foundation US’s work.

To learn more about how Rainforest Foundation US works with Indigenous partners to protect the Amazon and rainforests in Central America, please sign up to receive our emails and read 10 Things You Can Do. Also visit

Buckle up and knuckle down: How you can dive into the presidential campaign and help your candidate win

The upcoming presidential election will be the most consequential in U.S. history. It will decide the direction of our country for, well, forever.

With so much at stake, the two parties are highly energized. Backers of both sides are registering to vote, sending campaign contributions and volunteering to make calls or knock on doors for their candidates.

So what can you do?

You can vote, obviously. But you can do a lot more than that before Election Day. You can talk to your friends and neighbors about their concerns and how your favored candidate addresses them. You can make a sign and join a protest. You can host a potluck—and hope it doesn’t turn into a food fight.

Or you can go deeper and volunteer for your candidate’s local campaign. If you have a specific skill, the campaign can probably use it, whether it’s organizing events or writing press releases or making short videos.

If you’re not already registered to vote, you can do that. Not sure if you’re registered? You can check at, which is a comprehensive online platform where you can verify your registration, register to vote, request a mail-in ballot, sign up for election reminders and find your polling location.

A lot of people going to the polls in November will face new, stricter voting laws passed since the last presidential election, including voter ID laws that make it harder, more confusing and more costly for citizens to vote. Thirty-eight states will have voter ID laws in place for the 2024 election. If you’re concerned, check with VoteRiders, which is focused exclusively on helping voters overcome the confusing, time-consuming and expensive barriers created by ID laws.

If you’re a Black voter, consider engaging with Black Voters Matter, a group dedicated to turning out voters and increasing power in marginalized, predominantly Black communities. Black Voters Matter has a vibrant volunteer effort that includes texting, postcard writing, organizing and fundraising.

All three of the above nonprofits are CREDO Mobile partners and have received much-needed funding from our donations program, which every year supports dozens of nonprofit groups fighting for progressive causes.

Resources for young voters

If you’re young, there are a number of organizations that will help you get involved in the election. For high-schoolers, the nonpartisan nonprofit New Voters will provide you with a personal mentor to guide you through the process. The Civics Center offers a 1-hour instructional webinar and a Democracy in a Box toolkit that includes all you need to build a voter-registration drive.

Another great nonpartisan nonprofit aimed at young people is Rock the Vote. Go to the site and you can register online. It has voting information for every state, as well as a how-to guide if you want to organize a voter-registration drive. It regularly posts election information to its social media accounts that you can share on your own accounts.

Perhaps most powerfully, you can be a poll worker and play a critical role in the election’s success by ensuring that all voters get the assistance they need when they go to their polling place. As a poll worker, you may help set up the polling location, welcome voters as they arrive, verify their registration or hand out ballots. You’ll answer questions, explain the voting procedure and show voters how ballot machines work. Learn more at the United States Election Assistance Commission.

A way you can vote every day

Every purchase you make is, in its way, a vote. It’s a choice that expresses your personal and, often, your political values. If you buy fast fashion, you are, in a small but important way, supporting sweatshop labor, severe environmental pollution and 10% of global CO2 emissions.

If you buy from Amazon, you are, in a small but important way, supporting a company that spies on labor and environmental groups, exploits workers and produces enough plastic waste each year to wrap the planet in 800 layers, in spite of the fact that Amazon “would have no problem” switching to plastic-free packaging, says former Amazon executive Rachel Johnson Greer.

Obviously, companies aren’t political candidates. But they do have an immense impact on our economy, society and environment. And when you spend with them, you vote for them.

Here’s a better idea. Do business with companies that share your values. Shop at local stores instead of Amazon. Buy sustainable clothes instead of sweatshop fast-fashion.

And switch to CREDO Mobile, the phone company that’s as committed to progressive causes as you are. You’ll get all you need from your mobile service: the nation’s top-rated network, competitive plans and great deals on new devices. And you’ll get much more: a powerful way to support your values whenever you use your phone.

To date, we’ve donated over $95 million to nonprofit groups working hard for causes like climate action, reproductive freedom and protecting Social Security. Our passion is not dollars, it’s change. And we fight every day to make it happen. Join us.

Teachers build a better future for everyone: But they need our help

It’s arguably the most important job in the world: being a teacher.

Teachers enlighten and inspire young people. They give them purpose, prepare them to succeed in life and encourage them to contribute to society. No job has a greater impact on our future. And the better teachers can do their job, the better our future will be.

That’s why we do whatever we can, whenever we can, to support teachers—because we’re also working for a better future. Since we started, in 1985, we’ve donated over $95 million to groups fighting for causes like climate action, equal rights and reproductive freedom.

A lot of this money has gone to education advocates like Facing History & Ourselves and the Zinn Education Project. And now, as kids go back to school, we’re working with DonorsChoose to help fund projects in schools.


DonorsChoose: helping teachers help their students

Did you know public school teachers spend a lot of their own money—an average of almost $700 a year—to buy supplies their students need? From Crayons to cleaning products, from LEGO bricks to laptops.

It shouldn’t be this way. And, for many teachers, it isn’t, thanks to DonorsChoose, a unique nonprofit that’s raised over $1.65 billion for teachers to buy school supplies. Nationwide, DonorsChoose has delivered over 11 million books, 3.6 million art materials, 30,000 fieldtrips—and much more.

It’s a heroic effort—but it’s a simple process, because DonorsChoose makes it easy for anyone to help a teacher in need. Just go to, a user-friendly site where teachers post projects that are short of funding. If you want to contribute, just click and give.

To help these teachers and the many others who post projects for their students, we’re raising funds for DonorsChoose through September 19th.  Customers who use code SCHOOLPG50 can get $250 off a new phone or if you bring your current phone, you can get a $250 gift card with code SCHOOLBG50.  In both cases, we’ll send a $50 donation to DonorsChoose.

We ran a similar promotion last year and you can read about the projects funded on our blog. The thank you notes from the teachers are heartwarming.


EveryLibrary: sustaining public libraries

This month, CREDO Mobile is supporting EveryLibrary for the first time.  Libraries are at the heart of our communities. Yet, across the nation, public and school libraries are under attack. Politicians and extremist groups threaten their funding, ban books from their shelves and assail the principles of intellectual freedom they uphold.

You can vote for donations to go to EveryLibrary or the Women’s March Network or Social Security Works – or any combination of the three at

CREDO Mobile: standing for teachers

Teachers get called a lot of things. We call them heroes.

They’re woefully underpaid, regularly under-resourced and often overlooked. Yet, day in and day out, they do the most important job in the world: they build our future.

We feel a special connection to educators because we have the same mission: to make our world a better place. If you share this commitment, join us.

You’ll get all you want from your phone company: the nation’s largest, most reliable network, competitive plans, great deals on new phones and friendly customer service.

And you’ll get much more. You’ll get an easy, effective way to support teachers and students, just by using your phone. Join now and we’ll send a $50 donation to DonorsChoose, when you use promo codes: SCHOOLPG50 (get a new phone) or SCHOOLBG50  (bring your own phone)

Switching is easy. You can bring your current phone and your current number. To learn more, go to

Public Counsel relies on funding from CREDO Mobile to deliver justice for all

Everyone deserves equal access to justice. Public Counsel is a nonprofit public-interest law firm that provides it. That’s why we support Public Counsel and recently sent a significant grant to the group.

Public Counsel engages with communities and clients to create a more just society through legal services, advocacy and civil rights litigation. Working on a pro bono basis, primarily in the Los Angeles area, Public Counsel staff and volunteers seek justice through direct legal services. They promote healthy and resilient communities through education and outreach, and they support community-led efforts to transform unjust systems through litigation and policy advocacy.

Public Counsel envisions an equitable society in which people thrive, with systems and laws that bring justice to all. It operates a number of separate projects to achieve that goal. These include its Gender Justice Project, Center for Veterans’ Advancement, Children’s Rights Project, Consumer Rights and Economic Justice, and the Immigrants’ Rights Project.

Public Counsel’s core beliefs advance the cause of a more just society

Every day, Public Counsel delivers justice to those who need it most, guided by the following strategies and values.

  • Coordinated advocacy: Public Counsel’s direct legal work informs, complements and is amplified by its impact litigation, policy advocacy, and community education and outreach efforts.
  • Mobilization: It proactively recruits and mobilizes volunteers from a wide array of professions, organizations, sectors and communities to join in the fight for equal justice.
  • Accountability: It is accountable to its clients, focusing on their needs and goals when providing legal representation and services.
  • Power building: It aims to align its legal advocacy with durable grassroots movements to build power, change unjust laws and achieve lasting results.
  • Results: Public Counsel gets results through relentless, bold and creative advocacy and leadership that place its legal services within a broader set of strategies and tactics.
  • Equity: It advances racial and economic justice by advocating for legal and policy reforms, and by providing lower-income clients and clients in communities of color with access to quality legal representation.
  • Respect: Public Counsel respects the unique experiences of everyone with whom it engages. Its work is empathetic, trauma-informed and strengths-based.

CREDO Mobile funding supports expanded Public Counsel efforts

Public Counsel is using our grant to strengthen and expand its programs on a number of fronts. It recently participated in a community teach-in about commercial tenant protections. It took in a new cohort of social-work interns. It partnered with the Los Angeles County Office for the Advancement of Early Care and Education to launch an important new resource called Child Care for All: Information for Child Care Providers on Expanding Infant and Toddler Care in Los Angeles County. It joined partner organizations to submit 400,000 signatures to place the Affordable Housing, Homelessness Solutions and Prevention Now Measure on L.A. County’s November ballot. And it released a new manual designed to help parents, caregivers and community members advocate for students with disabilities.

Together, CREDO Mobile and Public Counsel are making a difference

In recent months, Public Counsel joined with unhoused veterans with disabilities to sue the Department of Housing and Urban Development and force a major policy change by HUD that will allow the most disabled veterans with the greatest need to qualify for affordable housing.

It worked with local street vendors to reach a groundbreaking settlement with Los Angeles to repeal the city’s exclusionary vending bans near swap meets, farmers’ markets, schools and temporary events, and bring an end to the city’s policy of banning, ticketing and harassing street vendors. Street vending is a vibrant part of California culture and is protected by state law. It provides flexible jobs that enliven streets, encourage walkability and social activity, and bolster neighborhood safety by adding eyes and ears to the streets and strengthening community connections.

Public Counsel partnered with thousands of homeowners to obtain a $12 million settlement for the homeowners, who were victimized by predatory loans from clean energy vendors. The loans were meant to help homeowners finance installation of renewable energy systems like solar panels but left hundreds of homeowners facing unaffordable payments and property liens. The settlement enables homeowners, many of them low-income and elderly, to get relief from those payments and liens.

If you’re a CREDO Mobile customer, thank you for helping Public Counsel win these victories and many more. If you’re not a customer, please consider joining now. You’ll get all you want from a phone company: the nation’s top-rated network, competitive plans and great deals on new devices.

And you’ll get much more. You’ll get an easy, effective way to make a difference in the world by generating much-needed donations for progressive nonprofits dedicated to the causes you care about, like justice, human rights, economic equality and climate action.

To learn more about the critical work Public Counsel does, go to

Donations spotlight: Social Security Works is Fighting to Protect and Expand Our Social Security Earned Benefits

Note from the CREDO Mobile team: This September, Social Security Works is among three amazing groups that will receive a share of our monthly grant. Funding from the CREDO community will help Social Security Works in its campaign to fight every day to expand our Social Security system.

 Read this important blog post about Social Security Works, then visit and cast your vote to help send funding to the group to assist its effort—and the efforts of our other outstanding September grantees.

Social Security Works advocates on behalf of the 67 million Americans who rely on their earned Social Security benefits, and the millions more Americans who will rely on these earned benefits in the future. While some politicians including the Republican Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson (R-LA), and the eighty percent of House Republicans who are members of the Republican Study Committee, have released plans to cut, privatize, and destroy Social Security, Social Security Works is fighting back.

Social Security is a promise between generations that brings people of all backgrounds together. Not surprisingly, Social Security is wildly popular among Americans of all political persuasions.

Politicians who want to cut Social Security realize that their quest to defund and dismantle Social Security will never win the support of the American people. This is why Republicans want to force Democrats to go behind closed doors and cut benefits together, so that voters won’t know which party to blame.

The Biden-Harris administration has accurately called these commissions “death panels” for Social Security and Medicare. This is a huge change from a decade ago, when far more Democrats were open to such a commission.

When Social Security Works was founded, the elite conventional wisdom was dominated by talk of cutting Social Security, with absolutely no room for imagining benefits could be expanded. Now, nearly all Democrats are united in support of expanding benefits and even many Republicans are running away (at least rhetorically) from their support for cuts.

That’s how much Social Security Works has changed the conversation over the past decade, and we are not going back.

There are two paths forward when it comes to Social Security.

One is to expand and strengthen Social Security and require that multimillionaires and billionaires finally pay their fair share.

The other path for the future of Social Security, in stark contrast, is the vision of Donald Trump and his Republican allies in Congress. Trump and his allies support cutting Social Security and ultimately ending the program as we know it.

These plans to cut Social Security by $1.5 trillion over just the next decade and trillions more after that (including raising the retirement age), would be a nightmare scenario for Social Security and the millions of Americans and their families – indeed, virtually all Americans – who rely or someday will rely on their earned Social Security benefits.

Social Security Works will continue highlighting the monumental stakes of this election for Social Security, and the millions of Americans and their families who rely on their earned benefits, and we will continue making sure that these dual visions for the future of Social Security are crystal clear to every single voter.

With the disappearance of traditional private-sector retirement plans, our nation is facing a retirement income crisis. Too many Americans fear that they must work until they die because they will not be able to retire without a drastic decline in their standard of living. The solution is to expand Social Security.

We will fight to make sure that Social Security and Medicare are expanded, and we won’t let the people trying to cut the earned benefits of the American people hide behind mealy-mouthed weasel words. Social Security Works will continue to make sure the American people are fully informed about all of the proposals for Social Security’s future, and who is fighting to protect and expand the program.

Donations spotlight: Support the Women’s March Network in its drive to end sexism, sexist exploitation and oppression

Note from the CREDO Mobile team: This September, the Women’s March Network is among three amazing groups that will receive a share of our monthly grant. Funding from the CREDO community will help the Women’s March Network in its campaign to ensure that all of us are free to lead empowered lives in safety and security in our bodies, in our communities and throughout the country.

 Read this important blog post about the Women’s March Network, then visit and cast your vote to help send funding to the group to assist its effort—and the efforts of our other outstanding September grantees.

As we stand on the brink of another pivotal election, it’s crucial that we remember the lessons of the past. Because when we remember that past, it strengthens our resolve never to go back to it. The We Won’t Go Back National March and Weekend of Action, on November 2, is our chance to demonstrate our collective force and demand change for our families, our freedoms and our futures.

On November 2, thousands of feminists will gather in Washington, D.C., and across the nation to show the strength of our feminist movement. The day will culminate in a vibrant rally and community festival, where activists can listen to inspiring speakers, enjoy live music and connect with partner organizations committed to our fight.

But what we’re about is far more than one day. We have a range of programs working year-round to build a feminist, multiracial democracy that serves us all, both on the ground and online.

Digital Defenders

One of our most important projects is the Digital Defenders program, a rapidly growing, increasingly effective group of trained activists who fight disinformation spread on the internet—because it’s now critical to safeguard our democracy and feminist values amid the digital landscape, as alt-right trolls seek to radicalize America’s youth and spread hate and ignorance on social media.

The Digital Defenders program is a decentralized and scaled online intervention designed to combat the misinformation and disinformation that threaten our freedoms and democracy.

Why now

At this pivotal moment in our nation’s history, what we do in the next few years will set the foundation for the coming decades. The rise of deepfakes, misinformation and targeted online propaganda poses a significant threat to our democracy and the rights of women and our communities. Our Digital Defenders program is a proactive feminist cyber-force built to protect and uphold our values in the digital age.

What we do

The Digital Defenders program trains women and allies to engage effectively in online spaces. From creating original, values-aligned content to monitoring and countering harmful narratives, our Digital Defenders are equipped to intervene in key conversations and online spaces where right-wing misinformation competes with feminist values.

Our network of trained activists is robust and growing, increasing in number from 10,000 to, now, 30,000. In the run-up to the election, these activists will be organized into local cohorts in key states like Texas, South Carolina, Georgia and Wisconsin, where they can support local issues and campaigns with targeted strategies.

Combatting disinformation

A major goal of the Digital Defenders program is to inoculate communities against election disinformation and fear-based propaganda. Through group trainings, we ensure that our activists avoid perpetuating misinformation while amplifying effective, values-based messaging. Our timely training programs and a custom-built online learning platform make these resources accessible to a wide audience.

Why it matters

The internet is a powerful machine for organizing and mobilizing—but it’s also a place where misinformation can spread far and wide and fast. Our Digital Defenders program strengthens the backbone of our movement, ensuring that we remain a cohesive and powerful force for progressive change. By equipping individuals with the skills and tools to navigate and counter misinformation in the digital landscape, we are safeguarding not just our movement but our democracy itself.

How to join us

We invite CREDO Mobile members and supporters to join our Digital Defenders feminist cyber-force. As a Digital Defender, you’ll be part of a proactive movement to protect feminist values and democracy from those who seek to undermine them. Together, we can ensure that our movement continues to grow and succeed, safeguarding our rights and freedoms for generations to come.

Ready to join? Sign up here.